Hurricane Milton brings flow of wild animals to Floridian’s backyards


How Hurricane Milton Is Bringing a Flow of Wild Animals to Floridian’s Backyards

As Hurricane Milton rages on, Floridians are experiencing an unexpected side effect: a surge of wild animals seeking refuge in their backyards. From deer to alligators, the influx of wildlife is both fascinating and concerning for residents. Let’s delve into why this phenomenon is happening and what people can do to safely coexist with these unexpected visitors.

The Impact of Hurricane Milton on Wildlife

Hurricanes have a way of disrupting nature in ways we never imagined. As Hurricane Milton makes its way through Florida, it is displacing many wild animals from their natural habitats. Strong winds and flooding force animals to seek higher ground and safer shelter, often leading them straight into residential areas.
From raccoons to snakes, these animals are seeking refuge wherever they can find it, including backyards, garages, and even inside homes. While it may be a sight to behold, it also poses risks to both humans and animals alike.

Tips for Coexisting with Wild Animals

While it may be tempting to shoo away these unexpected visitors, it’s important to remember that they are simply trying to survive the storm just like everyone else. Here are some tips for safely coexisting with wild animals during Hurricane Milton:

1. Avoid Confrontation

If you encounter a wild animal in your backyard, it’s important to remain calm and avoid confrontation. Remember, they are scared and looking for safety, not looking to harm you. Give them space and allow them to find their way out on their own.

2. Secure Your Property

To prevent wild animals from seeking shelter in unwanted areas of your property, make sure to secure any openings or gaps where they could potentially enter. This includes closing off crawl spaces, securing garbage bins, and keeping pets indoors.

3. Contact Wildlife Authorities

If you encounter a wild animal that seems injured or distressed, contact local wildlife authorities for assistance. They have the knowledge and resources to safely and humanely handle the situation.

4. Respect Their Space

While it may be tempting to try and capture a photo or video of these rare visitors, remember to respect their space. Getting too close or trying to interact with wild animals can be dangerous for both parties involved.


The Aftermath of Hurricane Milton

As Hurricane Milton begins to subside, the wild animals that sought refuge in Floridian’s backyards will start to make their way back to their natural habitats. It’s important for residents to remain vigilant and keep an eye out for any lingering wildlife that may still be seeking shelter.
While the influx of wild animals may be a surprising side effect of Hurricane Milton, it serves as a reminder of the resilience and adaptability of nature. By following these tips and practicing compassion towards these unexpected visitors, Floridians can safely coexist with the flow of wild animals brought to their backyards by Hurricane Milton.