Why Brad Pitt’s Mom Hated Angelina Jolie Before The Divorce


Why Brad Pitt’s Mom Hated Angelina Jolie Before The Divorce

When it comes to celebrity relationships, drama always seems to follow. One of the most publicized celebrity splits in recent years was between Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. However, what many people don’t realize is that the tension between Angelina and Brad’s mother actually started long before the divorce. In this article, we’ll explore the reasons why Brad Pitt’s mom, Jane Pitt, had a dislike for Angelina Jolie.

The Backstory

Before Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie got together, Brad was married to Jennifer Aniston. When Brad and Jennifer split, there were rumors that Angelina was the cause of the breakup. This immediately put Angelina in a negative light, especially in the eyes of Brad’s mother, Jane. Jane Pitt was very close to Jennifer Aniston and saw Angelina as a homewrecker.

Clashes of Personalities

Jane Pitt and Angelina Jolie also clashed when it came to their personalities. Angelina is known for her strong and independent nature, which may have come across as intimidating to Jane. On the other hand, Jane was more traditional and conservative, leading to friction between the two women.

Different Upbringings

Another factor that played into Jane Pitt’s dislike for Angelina Jolie was their different upbringings. Angelina had a tumultuous childhood, while Jane came from a more stable and traditional family. Jane may have seen Angelina as an unpredictable and unreliable partner for her son, leading to her disapproval.

Protective Motherly Instincts

As a mother, Jane Pitt naturally wanted the best for her son. Seeing the turmoil and drama surrounding Brad’s relationship with Angelina may have triggered her protective instincts. Jane may have felt that Angelina was not the right match for Brad and wanted to shield him from any further heartache.

Miscommunication and Misunderstandings

Like in any family dynamic, miscommunication and misunderstandings can play a big role in how relationships unfold. It’s possible that Jane Pitt and Angelina Jolie simply never had the chance to truly connect and understand each other. This lack of a strong relationship could have fueled Jane’s negative feelings towards Angelina.
In conclusion, the reasons why Brad Pitt’s mom hated Angelina Jolie before the divorce were a mix of personal clashes, differing personalities, and protective motherly instincts. While we may never know the full extent of their relationship behind closed doors, it’s clear that there was tension between the two women. As with any family dynamic, navigating relationships can be complex, especially in the spotlight of fame and celebrity status.